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22nd Sunday

Verona - Advent IV Service

10am. Trinity United Church, 6689 Road 38. — Get Directions 

Sharbot Lake - Morning Worship

10:30am. Sharbot Lake Pentecostal Church, 14183 Road 38. — Get Directions 

23rd Monday

Perth Road - Free EarlyOn Playgroup

9:30am-1pm Mondays. Perth Road Hall, 5612 Perth Rd Crescent. Free for children 0-6 yrs old and their families. Pre register at keyon.ca — Get Directions 

24th Tuesday

Inverary - Christmas Eve Services

4pm. Inverary United Church, 4681 Latimer Rd. Also at 7pm — Get Directions 

Ardoch - Christmas Eve Mass

4:30pm. St. Kilians Church, Road 506 & Ardoch Rd. — Get Directions 

Denbigh - St. Luke's United Christmas Eve Services

5pm. Denbigh St. Luke's United Church, 188 Hwy 28. Everyone is welcome. — Get Directions 

Verona - Christmas Eve Service

5:30pm. Trinity United Church, 6689 Road 38. — Get Directions 

Sharbot Lake - Christmas Eve Service

6pm. Sharbot Lake Pentecostal Church, 14183 Road 38. Candle light, all are welcome. — Get Directions 

Mountain Grove - Christmas Eve Service

6pm. Mountain Grove United Church, 1018 McCrimmon Rd. — Get Directions 

Henderson - Christmas Service

7pm. Henderson United Church, 2408 Henderson Road. — Get Directions 

Sharbot Lake - Christmas Eve Service

7pm. Sharbot Lake United Church, 1042 Elizabeth St. — Get Directions 

Parham - Christmas Eve Service

7pm. Parham United Church, 1035 Wagarville Rd. — Get Directions 

Arden - Christmas Eve Worship

7pm. Arden United Church, 1076 Railway St. — Get Directions 

Perth Road - Family Candlelight Service

7pm. Perth Road United Church, 5614 Perth Rd Crescent. — Get Directions 

Denbigh - St. Paul's Lutheran Christmas Eve Service

7pm. St Paul's Lutheran Church. Everyone is welcome to join in the celebration.

Flinton - Christmas Eve Mass

7:30pm. St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church.

Perth Road - Christmas Eve Lessons & Carol Service

8:30pm. Wilmer Church.

25th Wednesday

Godfrey - Public Skating

9-10:30am Wednesdays. Frontenac Community Arena, 4299 Arena Boundary Rd. — Get Directions 

Flinton - Christmas Day Mass

9am. St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church. ALL ARE WELCOME!

Northbrook - Christmas Day Dinner

11:30am. Northbrook Lions Hall, 12328 ON-41. Come for good food, fun, friends, and fellowship on this blessed day. Please do not sit alone at home; everyone is welcome. Take-out is available. For more information call Marylin at 613-336-1573. — Get Directions 

Verona - Christmas Lunch

12pm. Verona Lions Hall, 4504 Verona Sand Rd. If you are alone on Christmas day, please come join us at the Verona Lion’s Hall for a free lunch with turkey, all the fixings, dessert, coffee and tea. There will be music and games or just come for an opportunity to visit.  Reserve your place by December 20th by calling or texting 613-929-7445 or 613-539-6662. — Get Directions 

28th Saturday

Harlowe - Open mic

1-5pm Fourth Saturday of every month. Harlowe Hall, 1047 Gull Lake Rd. Admission $5, Entertainers $2. All welcome. Refreshments available. Info - Marie 613-336-2557 Canceled this month due to kitchen renovations — Get Directions 

29th Sunday

Sharbot Lake - Morning Worship

10:30am. Sharbot Lake Pentecostal Church, 14183 Road 38. — Get Directions 

Inverary - Sunday School with Cookies and Milk

11:15am. Inverary United Church, 4681 Latimer Rd. — Get Directions 

31st Tuesday

Arden - New Years Fling

1-5pm. Arden Legion, 5957 Arden Rd. Roy Bradshaw Country Sky Band. Put on your dancing boots. Open Mic 1pm-5pm, bar and food available. Admission $12 per person — Get Directions 

Sydenham - New Years Eve Dance

8pm-2am. Sydenham Legion, 4361 Amelia St. $25, tickets at One Stop and at Legion bar. Featuring Southern Ale. Party favours will be provided, a light buffet, and champagne toast at midnight. — Get Directions 


2nd Thursday

Hartington - South Frontenac Fire & Rescue recruitment info sessions

7-8:30pm. South Frontenac Fire Hall #4, 4808 Holleford Rd. New applicants for paid on-call firefighter positions. — Get Directions 

4th Saturday

Inverary - South Frontenac Fire & Rescue recruitment info sessions

10:30-11:30am. South Frontenac Fire Hall #8, 4490 Battersea Rd. New applicants for paid on-call fire fighter positions. — Get Directions 

5th Sunday

Maberly - Little Christmas Concert

2-5pm. Maberly Community Hall, 172 Maberly Station Rd. The Bright Strings Community Fiddle Orchestra. $10, children free. Refreshments and baking by donation. Info call Cindy McCall 613-278-2448 — Get Directions 

6th Monday

Sharbot Lake - Foot Care Clinic

Rural Frontenac Community Services. Clinics are held twice a month at 1109 Garrett St. Fee is $25. Appointment required. Call 613-279-3151.

12th Sunday

Harrowsmith - Old Tyme Fiddlers open mike

1-5pm. Golden Links Hall, 4186 Colebrook Rd. followed by dinner and we ask that you bring a dessert to share. Cost is $15. For information call 613-372-2410. — Get Directions 

18th Saturday

Harrowsmith - Concert - Jeff Code

1-5pm. Golden Links Hall, 4186 Colebrook Rd. Followed by a roast beef dinner $20.00. Advance tickets only, available at gas stations in Sydenham, Harrowsmith, Hartington and Assesltine Hardware in Verona by Wed, January 15th.For info call 613-372-2410. — Get Directions 

19th Sunday

Harrowsmith - Take out or Dine in Beef Dinner

4-5:30pm. Golden Links Hall, 4186 Colebrook Rd. $20. Call 613-372-2410 before Wed, January 15 to reserve your dinner. — Get Directions 

20th Monday

Sharbot Lake - Foot Care Clinic

Rural Frontenac Community Services. Clinics are held twice a month at 1109 Garrett St. Fee is $25. Appointment required. Call 613-279-3151.

Regular Happenings

Arden - Bible Study

Wednesdays. Arden United Church, 1076 Railway St.

Arden - Stretch & Strengthen

9:30am Thursdays. Kennebec Hall, 5998 Arden Rd. For all fitness levels from sit-fit to advanced. $1 (donation to Recreation Committee) More Information: Theresa Smith at 613 335 2286 or bigclearla@gmail.com

Bellrock - Card & Game Night

12pm. Bellrock Hall, 6034 Leveque Rd.


  • Arden 6pm Thursdays. Arden Legion, 5957 Arden Rd.
  • McDonalds Corners 5:30pm Thursdays. McDonald's Corners Agricultural Hall, 194 Camerons Rd. Doors open at 5:30, Bingo starts at 7. Licensed, Beverages and snacks available, 18 years and older.
  • Northbrook 7pm Thursdays. Northbrook Lions Hall, 12328 ON-41. Cards available at 6pm. Bingo starts at 7pm
  • Sharbot Lake 5:30pm Fridays. Soldiers Memorial Hall (OSO Hall), 1107 Garrett St. First game at 6:45

Bolingbroke - Musicians Circle

7pm Thursdays. ABC Hall, 3166 Bolingbroke Rd. Play, sing, learn, network $5

Coffee & Conversation

  • Arden 10am Thursdays. Arden United Church, 1076 Railway St. All are welcome.
  • Snow Road 10am Fridays. Snow Road Community Centre. All welcome, get to know your neighbours.

Denbigh - Wellness Group

Tuesdays. Denbigh Community Hall, 222 Hwy 28. Drop-in any Tuesday! Info Gail 613-333-2224 to learn more.

Depot Lakes Conservation - Free EarlyOn Playgroup (Outdoor program)

9:30am-12:30pm Fridays. Depot Lakes Conservation Area, 1662 Second Lake Rd. for children 0-6yrs and their families. pre register at keyon.ca


  • Arden 7pm Tuesdays & Thursdays. Kennebec Hall, 5998 Arden Rd. — 7:30pm Thursdays. Arden Legion, 5957 Arden Rd.
  • Mountain Grove Mondays. Olden Community Hall, 1522 Mountain Grove Rd. All welcome
  • Northbrook 6:30pm Tuesdays & Fridays. Northbrook Lions Hall, 12328 ON-41. Weekly, opens at 6:30, start playing at 7pm.
  • Plevna 7pm Tuesdays. Clar-Mill Hall, 6598 Buckshot Lake Rd. Sponsored by Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Light luncheon afterwards, Prizes for high, low and most lone hands.
  • Sharbot Lake 1pm Wednesdays. Sharbot Lake Legion, 1015 Legion Rd. Cost $5
  • Sydenham 1-3pm Thursdays. Grace Hall, 4295 Stage Coach Rd. Register with Natalee 613-376-6477 ext 310.

Free EarlyOn Playgroup

  • Arden 9am-1pm Fridays. Kennebec Recreation Park, 1034 Queen St. for children aged 0-6yrs and their families. pre register at keyon.ca
  • Harrowsmith 9:30am-12pm Mondays. Harrowsmith Centennial Park, 4500 Centennial Park Rd. Free playgroup for children and families aged 0-6yrs. Pre register at keyon.ca — 9:30am-12pm Wednesdays. Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church, 3876 Harrowsmith Rd. For children aged 0-6yrs and their families. Pre register at keyon.ca
  • Sharbot Lake 8:30am-12pm Wednesdays. The Child Centre, 1004 Art Duffy Rd. For children aged 0-6yrs and their families. Pre register at keyon.ca — 1-3:30pm Thursdays. The Child Centre, 1004 Art Duffy Rd. for children aged 0-6yrs and their families. pre register at keyon.ca
  • Sydenham 1-3:30pm Mondays. Grace Hall, 4295 Stage Coach Rd. For children and families, 0-6yrs. Pre register at keyon.ca — 9am-3:30pm Tuesdays. Grace Hall, 4295 Stage Coach Rd. For children aged 0-6yrs and their families. Pre register at keyon.ca — 9am-12pm Wednesdays. Grace Hall, 4295 Stage Coach Rd. for children aged 0-6yrs and their families. Pre register at keyon.ca — 9am-3:30pm Fridays. Grace Hall, 4295 Stage Coach Rd. for children aged 0-6yrs and their families. pre register at keyon.ca — 9am-12pm Saturdays, biweekly. Grace Hall, 4295 Stage Coach Rd. for children aged 0-6yrs and their families. must pre register for saturday's playgroup by 3pm friday.
  • Verona 9am-3:30pm Tuesdays. Trinity United Church, 6689 Road 38. For children 0-6yrs and their families. pre register at keyon.ca — 9am-12:30pm Thursdays. Trinity United Church, 6689 Road 38. for children aged 0-6yrs and their families. pre register at keyon.ca

Free Mental Health Walk-In Clinic

10am-4:45pm Wednesdays, biweekly. 2876 Campbell Road. FREE and immediate one-hour counselling sessions to children, youth, young adults ages 0 – 24, parents/caregivers and families from communities in KFL&A through our Mental Health Walk-In Clinic.

Godfrey - Public Skating

12-1:20pm Sundays. Frontenac Community Arena, 4299 Arena Boundary Rd.

Gould Lake - EarlyOn Outdoor Indigenous Program

10am Mondays. Gould Lake, 1540 Gould Lake Rd. For children and families aged 0-6yrs. Pre register at keyon.ca

Inverary - Martial Arts

6:30pm Thursdays. Inverary United Church, 4681 Latimer Rd. Kids classes 6:30-7:30 Adults 7:30-8:45. For more info contact Hamid Nam 613-328-6742 or hamidnam24@gmail.com

Inverary - Open Mic

6pm Fridays. Inverary United Church, 4681 Latimer Rd. The Sunbury Music Association presents. Doors open @ 5PM. $2 cover charge. Call 613-653-4447 for further details

Inverary - Yoga

6pm Wednesdays. Inverary United Church, 4681 Latimer Rd. — 6pm Wednesdays. Inverary United Church, 4681 Latimer Rd. Also, Pilates & Foam Rolling. Full schedule at nomadyogini.ca or e-mail info@nomadyogini.ca

Inverary - Youth Dance

7-10pm Fridays. Storrington Lions Hall, 2992 Princess Rd. $5/per person. Grades 5-8. DJ, canteen, supervision.

Line Dancing

  • Bolingbroke 10am Fridays. ABC Hall, 3166 Bolingbroke Rd. Beginners welcome, $5 toward hall maintenance. Contact Rhonda 613 885 8543.
  • Inverary 7pm Mondays. Storrington Lions Hall, 2992 Princess Rd.
  • Sharbot Lake 10am Thursdays. Sharbot Lake United Church, 1042 Elizabeth St. Sharbot Lake Line Dancing is back! Thursdays $2. Beginners welcome. Contact Rhonda 613 885 8543.
  • Verona 9am Tuesdays. Verona Lions Hall, 4504 Verona Sand Rd. All welcome For more information call 613 372 5431

Northbrook - Coffee & Connection

1:30-3pm Thursdays. Land O' Lakes Emmanuel United Church, 108 Addington Rd 2. light snacks and refreshments, activities, socializing & connection, open to all (no need to be a client)

Ompah - Cards - bridge, euchre, etc

Fridays. Ompah Hall, 10200 Road 509. All welcome, for cards and companionship. Contact - Janice Arthur 613-479-2318

Perth Road - Four Handed Euchre

1pm Thursdays. Harris Park, 5612 Perth Road Crescent. $5, includes light refreshments

Perth Road - Perth Road Village Crafters

9:30-11:30am Wednesdays. Harris Park, 5612 Perth Road Crescent. You don't have to be crafty to join! Drop-in or call Peggy for info 613-353-2635.

Perth Road - Pilates

6:15pm Mondays. 5041 Opinicon Rd.

Plevna - Social and Craft Time

10am Thursdays. Clar-Mill Hall, 6598 Buckshot Lake Rd. Bring your lunch, coffee and tea available.  Info Carlie Rainville at 613-479-8023 or drop in. Hope to see you there!

Sharbot Lake - AA Meeting

8pm Mondays. Soldiers Memorial Hall (OSO Hall), 1107 Garrett St.

Sharbot Lake - Community Life Drawing Group

1pm Wednesdays. Sharbot Lake Family Health Team, 1005 Medical Center Rd. 1-4pm in the community room of the Sharbot Lake Medical Centre (beach-side of the building, by the dentist's office). Interested models as well as artists can contact Geoffrey Murray at mgeoff104@gmail.com or text at 613-812-9428.

Sharbot Lake - Introduction to Tai Chi

10-11:30am Wednesdays. Soldiers Memorial Hall (OSO Hall), 1107 Garrett St. For info John Pariselli 613-279-2662.

Sharbot Lake - Kids Zone

5-6:30pm Wednesdays. Sharbot Lake Pentecostal Church, 14183 Road 38. For kids between 4 and 12. Contact Pastor Mark for details - 613-985 -1242

Snow Road - Snow Road Fitness

9:30am-12pm Wednesdays. Snow Road Community Centre. Sue Sworowski is your facilitator, helping you to maintain or increase your fitness level.

Sydenham - Crokinole - Not just for kids!

2-5pm Thursdays. Sydenham Legion, 4361 Amelia St.

Sydenham - Darts

Fridays. Sydenham Legion, 4361 Amelia St. Good times, good friends, good memories

Verona - Church Service

10am Sundays. Trinity United Church, 6689 Road 38. We welcome everyone

Verona - The Twisted Knitters Group

10am-12pm 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. Trinity United Church, 6689 Road 38. All knitters and crocheters welcome.