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Lennox and Addington


Addington Highlands

Cloyne is a village in Addington Highlands, in the county of Lennox and Addington.

Below is a filtered selection of local event listings. See all listing on the Events page.

Wednesday April 9

Cloyne - Land O' Lakes Garden Club Meeting

6:45pm. Barrie Hall, 14225 ON-41. Tauney Stinson Mushroom Hunters with Loose Morels. Talk on mushrooms in our community.

Saturday April 26

Cloyne - Pitch in for Mother Earth

9am. Barrie Hall, 14225 ON-41. 2 nd Annual Pitch in for Mother Earth PI4ME, come out and help pick up litter in our community.

Wednesday May 14

Cloyne - Land O' Lakes Garden Club Meeting

6:45pm. Barrie Hall, 14225 ON-41. Patricia Caroll - 10 Chances Organic Farm, how to grow organically

Saturday May 24

Cloyne - Land O' Lakes Garden Club Plant Sale

Barrie Hall, 14225 ON-41. Shop locally and help fund the Garden Club’s programs.

Wednesday June 11

Cloyne - Land O' Lakes Garden Club Meeting

6:45pm. Barrie Hall, 14225 ON-41. Melanie Saunders - Medicinal Herbs, lots around our community

Wednesday July 9

Cloyne - Land O' Lakes Garden Club Meeting

6:45pm. Barrie Hall, 14225 ON-41. Master Gardener Gail Walker - Getting to the Roots: A Guide to Soil Health and Composting Fundamentals

Regular Happenings

Cloyne - Adult Slowpitch

9:30-11am Fridays. Cloyne Ball Park, 14453 ON-41. No sign-up required - just show up the days you're available. Teams randomly made each time. Families welcome (teens and older please). If you have questions, please email Beth (shanebeth2@gmail.com.)