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Glenburnie is a village in South Frontenac, in the county of Frontenac.
Note: technically Glenburnie is located in Kingston, not South Frontenac. That said, it's relevant to residents living in South Frontenac, and is the county seat of Frontenac County. For these reasons, and because Kingston is out of scope for this website, we've decided to list it under South Frontenac.
Below is a filtered selection of local event listings. See all listing on the Events page.
Regular Happenings
Glenburnie - Pilates
9 am Tuesdays. Pilates/Foam roller classes Thursdays 4:30pm. 1478 Unity Rd.
Glenburnie - Yoga
9am Fridays. 1478 Unity Rd.
Glenburnie Public School
2252 Battersea Road, Glenburnie